

August 2016 Business After Hours

Charitable Donator

Pleasantwood Apartments

Platinum Sponsors

Empower to Elevate

Silver Sponsors

Colbert Family Health

Trotwood Madison School

Epix Rube

Green Sponsors

     Southern Ohio Chamber Alliance

      City of Trotwood

Annual Dinner

          Premier Health logo

          Southern Ohio Chamber Alliance



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Trotwood Chamber of Commerce, Chamber of Commerce, Trotwood, OH


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BWC Information

Each year Ohio employers have the opportunity to participate in BWC's Group-Experience-Rating Program or Group-Retrospective-Rating Program. While these programs are not required, they do provide you with an opportunity to significantly reduce your workers' compensation premiums, while increasing your awareness of safety and risk-management strategies.

Workplace safety is an important component of these programs. To succeed in accident prevention, we encourage you to use the many resources available to you. We believe a group-rating program is a partnership that includes you and your employees, your sponsoring organization or third-party administrator (TPA) and BWC. Each has specific roles and responsibilities, all designed to assist in preventing workplace accidents. This PDF Document outlines the safety services expectations you should have as an employer enrolled in a group-rating program.

Group-Rating Safety Accountability

Group Rating

The Bureau of Workers' Compensation offers a number of programs that allow employers to receive discounts on their premiums. This brochure includes a brief overview of each of those programs.

Hunter Consulting Company assists employers in choosing the most cost effective program for their company and then continues service by assisting the employer in meeting all program deadlines and requirements. (More Information)

AC-3 Form

Safety Talk


No business organization can expect good safety performance unless its top management demonstrates that safety is a key organizational value. A leader must communicate the need for safety to all employees. Accountability is one of the key factors to commitment. Every level of your organization needs to be accountable for its safety responsibilities. Make safety orientations for new and transferred employees a part of your organization's basic safety processes. (More Information)

Safety Tips for Winter Driving
The potential for bad weather at this time of year brings with it an increased threat of vehicle accidents. This is the most dangerous time of the year. Inclement weather is a major factor in many of the serious accidents that occur each year.
(More Information)

Safety Tips for Summer Barbecues & Parties
By: Gary W. Hanson

Summer time is one of the best times of the year. The weather warms up, everything turns green and we are ready for all of the fun summer time activities. The kids get out of school and are ready to play. High school and College graduations take place and the new graduates want to enjoy their newly found freedom. Vacations are in full swing, parks and swimming pools are open. Little league and soccer for the kids and for us adults softball and other similar summer activities, picnics and parties will be in full swing. (More Information)

What Could Go Wrong
By: Gary W. Hanson

When I visit my clients I often spend time observing employees performing their normal work routine. As I do so, I ask myself, is this the safest way to work and if not What Could Go Wrong. I am always looking at the potential risk factors of each job. Employees don't deliberately work unsafely, but many employees will take the quickest, easiest way to perform the job. Sometimes employees have not been trained in the safest method to perform their job and sometimes safe procedures have not been developed. (More Information)

Teaching Employees to Understand MSDS
By: Gary W. Hanson

Every employer that has one or more hazardous chemicals must comply with the OSHA Hazard Communication Program. This includes having a written program, having an individual responsible for overseeing the program, having a labeling program, securing and maintaining material safety data sheets. (More Information)

Major Elements of an Effective Safety Program
By: Gary W. Hanson

Safety, like any other management function, has key elements that need to be followed in order for the program to be successful in helping a company achieve its Corporate Mission. Too often, however, companies do not have an understanding of the importance of each of the elements of a Safety Program. Many companies have pieces and parts but not all of the necessary elements. (More Information)

Making Safety Committees Work
By: Gary W. Hanson

One of the Nine Key Safety Program Parameters that has been issued by the Division of Safety & Hygiene, for Group Rated Companies, is employee involvement and recognition. It is believed that the more involved employees are in the Safety Program, the more willing they will be to participate in it and follow the guidelines established. I personally believe this. One of the ways to get employees involved is to set up an active Safety Committee. (More Information)

Calculating the OSHA Incident Rate
By: Gary W. Hanson

Each year the Bureau of Labor Statistics calculates the OSHA Incident Rate, the Lost Time Incident Rate and Cases with job transfer or restrictions, for each NAICS Code (North American Industrial Classification System). (More Information)

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